Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Addicted to Color

stitchInspired by this pillow (Stitch is my new favorite magazine) I made my ninepatchown. Anyone who knows me knows I am addicted to color (tastefully, no hot pink walls around here) and that I shun beige. Life is too short for beige.


  1. wow. as a fellow color addict i must say that you hit the mark with this pillow. i love it! i must definitely check out that magazine. thanks for the inspiration.

  2. just found your blog - I really like it !

  3. I too am a color addict. My color drug of choice is paint and paper. If I go to someone's house with beige walls I become totally distracted by how I could paint them if I could.

    Oh and the pillow is beautiful.

  4. Amen!! Life is absolutely too short for beige.
    Your cushion is gorgeous!!
    Andi :-)

  5. Loving all of your new pillows. Now I want those too.

    Hello, my name is Ilene, and I am a Pillow-holic.

  6. Love it! This is on my list of things to make and I am with you Stitch is one of my favorite new mags too!

  7. I just ordered a fabric banner from you and LOVE it. I saw a link for your blog on the banner patterns. Thank you for your cute ideas, funny sarcasm and awesome banner I just ordered.


  8. Precioso todo, me encanta, saludos desde España.
